Tuesday, February 5, 2013

TV-series I must. keep. watching.

Everybody has their favorite TV-series. Even my parents do. (Helloooo Midsomer Murders & Downton Abbey!) But I am the kind of person who simply can't stop watching once I've found a good show. I really can't. It has a lot to do with my ADD and the hyperfocuses I tend to get when I enjoy something tremendously, which often means I don't sleep for 4 days and forget to eat while doing whatever I am obsessed with at that time. It's not very healthy and it takes me a week or so to recover, but a big part of me actually likes to submerge itself in the world a series creates, forgoing all other bodily needs. The best ones make me forget about anything else, and I'm currently watching a few that have that special quality. Here they are, for your pleasure. But beware, they are highly addictive!

Oh, and they are randomly ordered. I simply can't pick favorites.

Reid: my secret crush! 
    Penelope Garcia is my hero! 
  • Long-time favorite is Criminal Minds. I watched it a lot starting college, but forgot about it for a couple of seasons. I tend to watch everything up until the latest episode of a series. And then, I am too impatient to wait for the next episodes, so I search for another show to keep me busy. I got hold of the last seasons of Criminal Minds and watched it in a couple of days. The plot of every episode is mostly the same: the team is sent to solve a murder and catch a serial killer. In general they catch him and all is well. Every season has an extra storyline, involving one or multiple members of the team. How enticing or gruesome the regular storylines about the serial killers are, the one that gets personal is awesome. I cried a couple of times during several disclosures. The characters are well-developed and feature true gems, like the technical voluptuous hottie Penelope Garcia and the slightly awkward genius Spencer Reid. Those two make it more than worth your while to watch this show, but the others are also great. 

The main cast from Revenge.
mily is on the far left, Daniel the first guy on the right. 
  • A more recent obsession is Revenge. I'm halfway through the first season, and boy, the drama and scandals are abound! Emily vanCamp is perfect in the leading role of Emily Thorne, who sets out to take revenge on the people that got her father convicted for treason (and ultimately killed in prison). It is set in the Hamptons, so the visuals in this show are awesome. Pretty much all the outfits the women wear are enviously gorgeous and the homes are flabbergasting. The male eye candy is not far off: Leading man Joshua Bowman portrays Daniel Grayson, a very good looking harvard student, who happens to be a pawn in Emily's plan. That plan is elaborate and will hopefully last a couple of seasons :) As said, the drama is everywhere and it is addictive!  

Monroe is the most left, Nick is in the middle. Monroe <3
  • I also have a couple of shows I watch with my boyfriend. Grimm is one of them. I love me a show with a supernatural twist to it, and Grimm has plenty. David Giuntoli plays the role of Nick Burkhardt, detective who finds out he descends from the line of Grimms. He can see supernatural creatures and has to stop them from doing all sorts of evil. Early in the first season, episodes tend to have an easy plot, with Nick finding out more and more about his ancestors and his ability. But of course, drama ensues. I really can't explain without spoilers... My favorite character is Monroe, played by Silas Weir Mitchell. Monroe is a supernatural creature, and he is awesome. Like totally. He gets all the funny lines and moments and is quite the charmer, by being his quirky self. My boyfriend and I root for him all the time. The second season is full of romantic developments and stopped halfway, with the irritating line "To be continued... Sorry!" I like that kind of humor from the creators, but grrrr! I want to watch the rest of the season! 

  • Once Upon A Time is another show we watch together. We've only watched the first season, we're waiting for the second season to finish so we can watch it in one big run. On my own, I wouldn't have had the patience to wait, but the boyfriend brings out the best in me :) The first seasons centers around Emma Swan, played by Jennifer Morrison, who has to lift an entire town from a curse. Everybody in that town is a character from a fairy tale, put there by an evil queen. And that's about all I can tell without spoilers. This series takes a couple of episodes to get used to, because of the very elaborate backstory and the large amount of characters, the twists and turns, etc. I was intrigued from the start, but it took the boyfriend a couple more episodes. Once you get into it, it is down the rabbit hole with you. That's what kept me intrigued the entire season, besides of course the good actors. I loved Jennifer Morrison in House M.D. and Ginnifer Goodwin plays her part of Snow White extremely well.

So, those are my favorite shows of the moment. Of course, I love How I Met Your Mother, Downton Abbey, Sherlock, NCIS, and plenty of other shows, but these four I am seriously addicted to! These are the kind of shows that make me want to scream at my computer screen (I don't own a TV) for not being able to watch just ONE more episode, because there simply isn't one. While that being said, I'm off to watch Revenge. Just one more episode, I promise. Then I'll start cooking, I swear!